
Some of you may have had some joy from solicitors or legal representatives, some of you on the other hand purport that they are useless, the correct terminology is that they are "bound", by that we mean they are bound my statute laws. Solicitors, barristers, judges, magistrates and clerks all belong to the "Law Society", a worldwide organisation that governs practitioners in law and as the law society is governed by statute laws (and of course parliament) then they under oath to protect and serve the Crown.

If I was ever asked to attend a Court hearing I would never ask for a duty solicitor, why? because they work for the courts and there interests lie within the same court you are being tried. They will not help you as much as they could. Imagine for a moment that you were on a charge for a fine, for non-payment of Council Tax. If the solicitor successfully overturned the courts decision there is a knock on effect...

The Court doesn't get paid, therefore the Courts time (Magistrates, judges, clerks, tea maker and so on) don't get paid, neither does the duty solicitor or the MP's, furthermore, he would simply be thrown out of the Law Society leaving him jobless, homeless, etc. You get the picture!

So in effect then, who has a genuine interest in YOU? YOU DO!

You are the only person that can lawfully and rightfully uphold your rights, you have them and in fact they over rule statute law. Common Law and your constitutional rights have been in existence since Magna Carta 1225 and then revised in 1297. This forms the foundation of what we know to be "common law", it is your unalienable and unequivocal rights.

The Bill of Rights Act was introduced in 1689,

In both Common Law and in Statute Law, it is provided that -
“No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will we not pass upon him, nor (condemn him) (defined by the Statute as meaning ‘deal with him’), (1) but by lawful judgement of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man; we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.”
Item (2) “That all Grants and Promises of Fines and Forfeitures of particular persons before Conviction are illegal and void.” Bill of Rights 1689 Section 2 clause 12
Simply put; if you are given a fine without being put in a court of law first, the fine is invalid. This applies to any fine given to you including speeding fines, congestion charge, and a fine given to you by a policeman, any fine you receive. Item (2)

When you go to the court for none payment of the fine, or you fill in the slip to have the matter dealt with in a court of law, you must demand to be tried by a jury, (trial by the judgement of my peers or by the law of the land) the magistrate will say “I cannot offer you that option “. You reply “I want a jury and that is not your option, it belongs to me the defendant”. They will say “we are bound by statutes” which in reply you say “I am glad you are bound statutes and I am glad you have said that for it is statute that gave you your existence as a magistrate” and further more “you are bound by the first of these statutes The Bill of Rights 1689, which clearly states; item (1)
The magistrate will probably say “I still cannot give you that option” so you reply “The Bill of Rights 1689 requires you, as an officer of the crown, to serve the crown in accordance to the provisions of the Act” and furthermore “you must serve your majesty in accordance to this Act, for you cannot break your Oath of Allegiance you swore to become a magistrate, the option is mine and if you refuse to grant me my option, which is my right under the Act, then you yourself are in breach of common law, so you have no choice but to acquit me, for you have no right to deny me my birthrights as a British subject”. I will report soon of someone who not only used this system but got their expenses paid to them in full.

If they do not send you a court date, and they just send bailiffs to your house, then just comply with the bailiffs wishes. Then go immediately to your nearest magistrate court and apply for a “Statutory Declaration”. The Statutory Declaration is your chance to put to the court you was unaware of the trial to convict you, and you were not given your rights to defend yourself. This will overturn the ruling against you and the bailiff must return your money or your goods fore with.

In a court of law the jury is sovereign which basically means they make the ultimate decision on guilty or not guilty. The jury under common law can go against any law if they feel the law is unjust. They have the power to “null” a case if they feel the charge is unjust. No judge can rule against the jury’s final decision.
Protect yourself with this knowledge, for as we will prove very soon, Judges and magistrates dare not go against the Bill of Rights 1689, for it is the very statute they must obey.

It can not be expressed enough, how important it is for all of us to understand and learn these rights, our birth rights! - Without the knowledge we are powerless and without the knowledge or the power the government will strip us of all our rights, it is happening now as we speak, media, TV, radio, social networking... they are all tools to condition you, to lead you into believing what it is they want you to believe, turn on the TV of an evening and what do you see, channels and channels of repeats, purposely trying to implant the messages they want you to hear.

They use sophisticated mind games to condition you, switch on the TV and you see dozens of programmes about the police and law enforcement, controlling the streets, traffic wardens giving out tickets etc, keeping law and order (Yeah, right, abusing your rights more like!) it is all engineered very cleverly, so much so that when people stand up for their rights others believe it to be a conspiracy, hearsay, nonsense, all because they only go by what they know, what they see, what they hear everyday and what is deliberately being implanted into their minds... It is NOT. If you have been reading other sections of this site you will see examples of the truth... such as "The CSA try to convince you that they are the LAW, they ARE NOT". 

A good video to watch is Money as Debt, it's here on the site.

The CSA have been given power under statute law, all of which is unlawful as they have abused it but the government fail to jump in and save the fathers and the NRP's from their misery as it pays for their porn channels, sink plugs, second homes and all other manner of ludicrously absurd and often amusing expenses. Think about it, research it, learn it. This is not some conspiracy theory, it is FACT and there is tons of hard evidence as these people are becoming a victim of their own wrong doing, such as the use of internet, websites and the way the people like to expose what is real.
But, when things get too hot for them, what do they do... they take down those sites, they remove the content and they shut people up with their force rather than power. Even the media are governed, they need permission to publish, present or otherwise.

Think long and hard about it and research for yourself. Not just look at other peoples theories, actually find out from the source. You may be shocked!