Monday, 23 August 2010

CSA Court Action & Liability Orders (LO's)

So the CSA /CMEC have now threatened you with Court action they are taking you to court to have that liability order set against you, and no doubt when you get in there the Magistrates will be prevented from questioning how the CSA have calculated your assessment, and no doubt the CSA will not have explained how the alleged arrears have accrued and no doubt if you have sent off for your data Protection Prints they will not make any sense what so ever.

In most cases by the time you receive a summons from this lot for arrears you knew nothing about, and you have the usual excuse from the CSA that they tried to contact you but they failed and that is why they are summonsing you to court for the mega thousands of pounds that you allegedly owe to the Secretary of State, because the fathers they are targeting are the ones whose ex partner are on benefits.

Now the Government are using this agency to rake in as much revenue as possible to pay for MPs seconds home, and to declare war on other countries, it is not going on the children as they like to spout about and as for reducing child poverty by 2010, Kitty Ussher stated to the DBDA in a meeting they had with her that they did not have a figure of Child Poverty caused by parents divorcing, so how the hell do they get this idea the CSA will reduce child poverty if they do not know that divorce is the cause of child poverty .

We are now going to go into the basics of how the corruption works in the government sector i.e. the CSA the Court system and how money is made so please read on this will help you shoot the Magistrates down and prevent them from granting Liability Orders against you.

You have been summonsed to the Magistrates Court to have this Liability Order granted against you, a lot of people should be scared at this point because in CSA cases the Magistrates are on the side of the CSA, well why wouldn’t they be after all the CSA are run by the Government and so are the Magistrates, yes thats right they are a company running under the umbrella of the Ministry Of Justice and the Ministry of Justice has a County Court Judgement registered against it, so even the courts don’t do good business.

This now presents a completely different outlook, so we can prove the Magistrates are a company, and also the Government are a company again more proof, the Labour Party trading as a company they are trading under the trade name of Alistair Darling. We have questioned this and were told the laws are passed in the House of Lords. A company has to make a profit in order to operate. Now the picture gets even larger, these are all companies which pass these laws in order to dictate to us and to make us believe they are serving the public and upholding justice, this is in fact misleading, it is purely all about making money and they are making billions through this corrupt out of control agency and are simply ploughing thousands of fathers and second families into poverty.

Now when you look very carefully at what is going on a whole new can of worms is opened up, the majority of Liability Orders are for over £5,000.00, the Magistrates have no jurisdiction to grant orders for over that amount, think about it, you go into the magistrates to summons somebody to court for a small claim, the Magistrates can only deal with amounts of up to £5,000.00, anything above that has to be heard in the “County Court”, now when you look at the corrupt Child Support Act 1991 section 33 subsection 4 it states:

(4) On an application under subsection (2), the court or (as the case may be) the sheriff shall not question the maintenance assessment under which the payments of child support maintenance fell to be made.

Here the CSA can make up random figures, which, they are notorious for doing and the Courts cannot question it, very strange but a fact. Now the Government are committing “treason” because they have informed the Magistrates they have no jurisdiction to question the CSA’s calculation, so there is no need to show proof that the CSA have made the correct assessment, so the father is presumed guilty and isn’t given the opportunity to prove his innocence. What is apparent here is that your “constitutional rights” have been violated.
As you can see, there are Magistrates exceeding their jurisdiction and our constitutional rights violated. In section 33 subsection 3 it states:

“(3) Where the Secretary of State applies for a liability order, the magistrates' court or (as the case may be) sheriff shall make the order if satisfied that the payments in question have become payable by the liable person and have not been paid.”

From experience that the DBDA have with representing fathers in court with these corrupt officials asked the CSA to produce a “birth certificate”, which they obviously can’t, and then the CSA were asked to produce proof of how the arrears had accrued, again they cannot produce that and also the Magistrates cannot question how the CSA calculate their assessment, so that in itself is a contradiction, therefore the entire Child Support Act is designed to work in favour of the CSA no matter what evidence the father has to prove he is right. This was hard to comprehend at first until issues were raised about the father’s constitutional rights with the Magistrates and they started to back down.

The Magistrates have no lawful jurisdiction over you unless YOU consent to them having that authority over you, the same with the CSA/CMEC, they hold no lawful jurisdiction over you unless they have your consent, only we are conditioned to think that we are governed by the Government and the laws they pass, hence the reason why the CSA say to a majority of fathers “we have the power to do what we want and child maintenance is priority over your mortgage and council tax” if only these corrupt people knew how incorrect they are.
See below for a breakdown of what this all means:

Statute Law

Statute Law is “written law”, the law of the sea or Admiralty Law. The Child Support Act or Child Maintenance and other Payments Act 2008 are Statute Laws, laws unenforceable by any Agency or Government department unless they have your consent. Written laws need two signatures to make that law or (contract as it should be called), binding. For that contract to become binding they need your name and address, or admittance that you are the father or mother of that child or even informing them of how much you earn they can class that as entering into their contract, without any of those they have no jurisdiction over you because you have not entered into their contract.

Statute Law and the Courts

The same method applies in the Courts, as stated earlier about Statute Law Admiralty Law or the Law of The Sea, why do you think when you go into court they ask you to stand in the “Dock”, you are not a ship or a vessel, you do not have to step into that dock, nobody can force you to enter into that dock or enter into their contract.

Your name believe it or not is a corporation, that corporation comes in the form of the Birth Certificate, again law of the sea, “birth” as in birthing in the dock. The name or your corporation (name on your birth certificate) was something given to you without your consent, your parents handed over ownership of you to the government, it works in the same principle as registering your car, you do not own your car, the DVLA own your car, you are just the registered keeper, look at your log book it states you are the registered keeper not the owner, the same applies with you and your birth certificate, your parents are just the keepers, why do you think social services can come and take their children away if their keepers do not take proper care of them, why do you think the parents (keepers) are fined for taking children out of school during term time to go on holiday, do you really think if they were your children, your property they could fine you?

The same applies to your car, do you really think if your car was your property the DVLA could come and take away your property and crush it, the answer is NO they couldn’t. You hand over ownership of your children when you register them at birth that way we have given authority for the Government to dictate to us how to look after their property. So once you are in the courts and you confirm your corporation to the corrupt officials you have entered into their contract, then they have you, so what you need to do is remove the power from the Magistrate and the power from the CSA, you may find this hard to believe but it can be done!

There are many stories of threats about the CSA sending fathers to prison, again they cannot do this even under Statute Law. Any father who has been sent to prison or had Liability Orders granted against them for £5000 can now demand money lawfully from the Courts and the CSA because they have committed Treason. It cannot be stated any clearer than this, the CSA/CMEC have no Power to send anybody to prison using the Magistrate or even a County Court there is a law that protects the British people from allowing these out of control officials to do.

In the Blacks Law Dictionary it states
“STATUTE a legislative rule of society given the force of A law by consent of the governed” Check it out it is there. They have to have your consent it is as simple as that.

This is the law that we British people operate under, there are only three Common Laws and those are

1. Never to take another Human Life
2. Never to cause loss or harm to any individual
3. Never commit fraud within a contract

Common Law is where statute law derives from therefore Statute law cannot overrule Common Law.

Been summonsed or had an order made against you
There are templates (available soon) in the forum that you can print off and send in to the CSA either before they summons or after that will give you your lawful rights.
This information is based on research and must not be considered, nor is it, legal advice and as such by reading the material on this site you understand and accept that this is not legal advice as we are not qualified solicitors

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