You found us, welcome!
For those that are here for the first time let me explain what this is all about.
No doubt you are here because, like many fathers or NRP's (Non Resident Parents) you are experiencing hell right now, the CSA (Child Support Agency) have either been in your life for some time or have just entered it and in your opinion they are trying to steal from you, lie to you, bully you and deceit you into submission. You may be facing a court hearing or have been informed an LO (Liability Order) has been granted upon you, or will be granted upon you. You may not have access to your child and feel it is unfair that the CSA's actions are unlawful or unjustified. You may be victim of "deaf ears", a symptom where CSA rep's have trouble hearing your claims or negotiations and fail to reason with you (they have targets to hit - why should they be reasonable). You may be a facing eviction from your home, loss of your job, a DEO (Deduction of Earnings Order) or similar.
Whatever your concerns are we believe you have a right, a right to be heard, a right to be treated like a "human being" and the right to decide your fate.
If you are on the verge of breaking down or giving up, then STOP! There is help and there is alternatives, some may disagree, some may not understand the system fully but if you learn, listen and research you will soon understand that there is more than being a slave to what is being described as the worst organisation the government have created in all of history.
If we all work together, eventually the system will fold and the powers that be will have no choice but to make radical changes for those that are due to face the ruthless and relentless tactics of the organisation known as the CSA.
You will hopefully learn from this site and gather your own evidence to be able to fight, not fight them, or fight back, but to fight for your rights, your common law rights.
This country and many others have a secret not many are aware of. We are about to open your eyes to the truth, be open minded and read as much as you can, go away and do your own independent research as well to prove this is not made up mumbo jumbo!
Together we can do it, we can expose the nefarious action, the unlawful practice. Together we can reclaim our rights.
Follow us, join us and learn about the unlawful action they are carrying out, learn how to stand up for your rights and learn about your "real" rights. To give you a taster of what is to come, the CSA are a company, an organisation, registered in England. They are governed by acts created by parliament, many of which, if you care to learn are not enforceable by law. They are "Acts", "Statute" laws and therefore the majority of their actions are not lawful. We're going to show you what this all means and how to do deal with it. You will learn also that you, a human being, not a corporation has no contractual agreement with the "company" and how you can exercise your god given rights to overturn their decisions.
Learn, read, research and follow us...
See you soon.
Disclaimer: The information contained within this site, in part or in whole is simply information and is NOT legal advice. No legal advice has been provided here, it is simply information and what you choose to do with it is entirely your decision.
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