The CSA, believe it or not, are an ordinary company managed in conjunction with the DWP (Department of Work & Pensions) The Magistrates Courts, Crown Courts, Parliament and the UK Government as a whole are all companies, profit making organisations, the CSA are NOT an authority and they hold no LAWFUL jurisdiction over anyone, and neither do the Magistrates Court, you have a right to exercise YOUR rights.
The con is very simple indeed, After extensive research of the most corrupt Government run agency it became apparent that most of us Non Resident Parents are being told by Agency staff that they are the LAW or they have the power to remove money from your wages, from bank accounts, remove your driving license and send you to prison, according to one MP, he claims that he is removing the court process and giving all the power to CMEC staff.
The CSA are sending out summons to NRP's which appear to have clearly been authorised from within. The summons has not official court seal, nor its it signed by the judge but instead a Clerk. This means then unless the court deliberately keep forgetting to place the seal on the "supposedly" legal document it has been issued from the CSA with the full cooperation of the Courts. i.e. a perfect example of the CSA believing they are a law unto themselves. Unlawful? YES!
If you notice also, the summons makes claim about what the Magistrates may or may not do to you if you do not pay and that you do not need to attend, basically meaning that they HAVE collaborated with the Courts, otherwise how are they to know the outcome of your case!!! and that the reason you do not need to attend is because they believe they have the power of the Court to decide your fate before you even enter the room, and, the Magistrate is hired by the CSA to get as many LO's through the door as possible - More money in their pockets...
So, I hear you say, how is this lawful, how can they do this? - Simple answer is they do but they are not aloud to by LAW! - they are using their big brothers "Parliament" to defend them. A bit like a bully at school who picks on the little children, the bully has his mates around him for protection, get him on his own and he is vulnerable!
If you don't know anything about the law then why should you question their tactics, if you are being threatened and your home, job, DL, Passport etc is being threatened, you would usually pay up! - Don't do it. Don't give in, they are bullies and have no jurisdiction over you. Under common law you have more rights than they have!
The con is very simple indeed, After extensive research of the most corrupt Government run agency it became apparent that most of us Non Resident Parents are being told by Agency staff that they are the LAW or they have the power to remove money from your wages, from bank accounts, remove your driving license and send you to prison, according to one MP, he claims that he is removing the court process and giving all the power to CMEC staff.
The CSA are sending out summons to NRP's which appear to have clearly been authorised from within. The summons has not official court seal, nor its it signed by the judge but instead a Clerk. This means then unless the court deliberately keep forgetting to place the seal on the "supposedly" legal document it has been issued from the CSA with the full cooperation of the Courts. i.e. a perfect example of the CSA believing they are a law unto themselves. Unlawful? YES!
If you notice also, the summons makes claim about what the Magistrates may or may not do to you if you do not pay and that you do not need to attend, basically meaning that they HAVE collaborated with the Courts, otherwise how are they to know the outcome of your case!!! and that the reason you do not need to attend is because they believe they have the power of the Court to decide your fate before you even enter the room, and, the Magistrate is hired by the CSA to get as many LO's through the door as possible - More money in their pockets...
So, I hear you say, how is this lawful, how can they do this? - Simple answer is they do but they are not aloud to by LAW! - they are using their big brothers "Parliament" to defend them. A bit like a bully at school who picks on the little children, the bully has his mates around him for protection, get him on his own and he is vulnerable!
If you don't know anything about the law then why should you question their tactics, if you are being threatened and your home, job, DL, Passport etc is being threatened, you would usually pay up! - Don't do it. Don't give in, they are bullies and have no jurisdiction over you. Under common law you have more rights than they have!
CMEC staff could be sent to prison for committing Treason. This is a fact, the CSA/CMEC hold no LAWFUL jurisdiction over any non resident parent and if any NRP has not consented to it i.e signed any Maintenance Enquiry Forms or Maintenance Assessment Forms then no consent has been given to the CSA/CMEC.
We will be putting templates up shortly to enable you to send to the CSA, and basically ask them for proof of claim they can lawfully, not legally, lawful and legal are two different entities, remove money for child maintenance, and if they cannot prove any of their actions LAWFULLY, then that gives the NRP the power to prosecute the CSA/CMEC and have them done for committing treason.
We need to know our rights and exercise them fully because it has become quite clear to see that this agency is creating a Non resident Parent Poverty to reduce the so called Child Poverty which does not exist in this country anyway, and basically a lot of non resident parents know that their ex partners (the PWC) has not been receiving any money despite the fact money had been collected by the agency from the NRP, the facts are there, CHILD POVERTY DOES NOT EXIST, it's just a way of making you believe what they tell you and you are being used to remove money by trying to enforce what we call Statute Law upon the NRP.
Statute Law
Statute law is simple, it is known as the Child Support Act 1991 or Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008. A statute in law is a legislative rule of society given the force of law by consent of the Governed, the Governed are.. YOU... If you have not consented to adhering to their forceful law then they cannot lawfully or legally enforce it upon you, and if they have no signed contract between you and themselves then taking money from wages, benefits, bank accounts or otherwise then this is classed as treason.
We need to know our rights and exercise them fully because it has become quite clear to see that this agency is creating a Non resident Parent Poverty to reduce the so called Child Poverty which does not exist in this country anyway, and basically a lot of non resident parents know that their ex partners (the PWC) has not been receiving any money despite the fact money had been collected by the agency from the NRP, the facts are there, CHILD POVERTY DOES NOT EXIST, it's just a way of making you believe what they tell you and you are being used to remove money by trying to enforce what we call Statute Law upon the NRP.
Statute Law
Statute law is simple, it is known as the Child Support Act 1991 or Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008. A statute in law is a legislative rule of society given the force of law by consent of the Governed, the Governed are.. YOU... If you have not consented to adhering to their forceful law then they cannot lawfully or legally enforce it upon you, and if they have no signed contract between you and themselves then taking money from wages, benefits, bank accounts or otherwise then this is classed as treason.
Those of you who had liability orders issued against you then the Magistrates will have also committed treason, we are sorting out template letters for NRPs to send off to the Ministry Of Justice asking for proof of claim why they are not acting within Common Law, this will open up the floodgates and hopefully see the CSA/CMEC shut down.
We are not advocating that you rush out immediately and defy the law or government, what are trying to encourage is knowledge, the more people that know this and learn this the more chances we have of overpowering them. We can not do it alone.
Tell people, educate them, inform them they have real rights. Learn about it, soak it up and decide for yourself whether you want to be bullied or have a voice and make a difference.
We are not advocating that you rush out immediately and defy the law or government, what are trying to encourage is knowledge, the more people that know this and learn this the more chances we have of overpowering them. We can not do it alone.
Tell people, educate them, inform them they have real rights. Learn about it, soak it up and decide for yourself whether you want to be bullied or have a voice and make a difference.